PfSense NAT not passing traffic


I have a pfSense 2.2.6 firewall setup.

Public IP: xx.xx.174.162/28
Virtual IP: xx.xx.174.170/32

I created a NAT rule setup:

WAN     TCP     *   *   xx.xx.174.170   80 (HTTP)   80 (HTTP)

and a corresponding Firewall rule:

IPv4 TCP    *   *   80 (HTTP)   *   none 

When I try to surf up to http://xx.xx.174.170 (or telnet port 80) from the public, it just times out. In the logs though I see it successfully passed traffic.

From the VPN (or LAN), I can surf up to with no issue.

Any ideas of what I missed?

Best Answer

Go to Diag>States and filter for xx.xx.174.170:80, what does the state show? Guessing from the description it's probably SINGLE:NO_TRAFFIC, which means it's getting passed in, and the target machine isn't replying or isn't routing its reply correctly. Guessing #2 or 3 here from the description.

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