RDP prompting for user/password with saved credentials


Connecting to a Windows 2008 R2 Standard Server from Windows 10.

In the past, I simply had to double-click my .rdp file and I was connected and logged-in automatically.

Now, no matter what settings I try in mstsc.exe, the server prompts me at least for the password. (If I check "Always ask for credentials", it brings me to a screen that lets me select the User)

If I change the "Computer" field of MSTSC.exe, the "Always ask for credentials" checkbox changes to "Allow me to save credentials".

What can I do to diagnose this issue and get auto-login working again?

Best Answer

I'm doing this, to the same server version, from the same OS Version.

Start with a blank RDP session, and enter the Server name. If there are saved credentials, remove them by clicking 'Delete'.

enter image description here

The view should change to be similar to the below RDP setup page

Ensure 'Allow me to save credentials' is ticked.

Save the Connection to somewhere you can access, and then click 'Connect'

Enter the correct password :-

Credentials Box

Click ok. Logout of RDP Session. Double click your RDP again, and it should log in.

If it doesn't it's possible there is a Group Policy preventing the use of saved passwords.