Redhat – How to place a phone call via a GSM modem and play an MP3? (RedHat 6)


I have a USB GSM modem (HUAWEI E160). I got some software on a Windows laptop that lets me place phone calls and send texts via the modem, to regular phones. Is there any way to do something similar on UNIX/Linux?
What I'm trying to do is send NAGIOS alerts via phone. I've set up a script which creates an MP3 (Using text2wave and LAME) so all I need to do now is get it to send the audio file via a phone line, it doesn't have to do anything complicated other than;
Place the call
Wait for pick-up
Play the message
Hang up

Best Answer

There is always Asterisk. the open source PBX, which I believe, will allow you to do this, however, it would typically require an analogue or digital telephone line and an interface card. It may be able to ineract with your GSM device, but it's not something I've ever looked into.