Security – Amazon EC2 instance possibly Compromised

amazon ec2amazon-web-serviceshackingSecurity

I have an EC2 instance that may have been compromised. The instance responds far too slowly as of last week and recently I've checked the httpd access_logs and they are in excess of 11Gigs, despite opening the EC2 instance only last month. Today's access_log is growing. The log file is full of sites that have nothing to do with the site I am working on.

A handful of people had ssh access, but I've revoked it. Still, the log files grow.

Ended up getting some emails from amazon about "abuse" and found that there was a jump in mail activity. Strangely, I never set up mail service on this instance but the firewall has been set to allow smtp access (amongst other things), this is even though I only set port 80 access and a few port 22's.

I'm not really much of a server guy and I don't know any.

I've changed my Amazon passwords and created new access codes. Changed the ports for ssh to different ones.

I'd really appreciate any advice on this subject. Thanks.


I now believe that this was the result of having my server used as a proxy.
As per these guidelines I've managed to stem a great
majority of the false traffic going to the site, though the requests are still piling up on the access_logs. I've confirmed by trying to use my server as a proxy and it forces users to the site directly — the way I guess it should — instead of say,

I don't know if this was the solution but so far it seems to be working out — so far.
Still, the answers posted have opened my eyes. If anyone has more to tell I would gladly hear it.
Thanks very much!

Best Answer

Look through the pages you serve, look for anything like spammy links or exploit code that has been inserted into your server. Your best bet is to compare your static files with a backup and see if anything has been altered.

Close port 25 at the firewall if you aren't using it.

You can use tools like rkhunter:

and chkrootkit:

to try and detect tools that hackers use to maintain control over your system.

Use a tool like Nexpose to find vulnerabilities in your web application and OS and follow their recommendations on remediating those vulnerabilities: