Setting up icinga2 nodes via Ansible: how to get the ticket from the master


I'm trying to write an Ansible playbook to set up Icinga2 nodes, but each host needs a unique ticket from the Icinga2 master to authenticate. Right now I'm thinking of ssh'ing out from the node to the master to grab the ticket, but that doesn't seem like a good idea. I also tried using Ansible's prompts, but I'm running the playbook from Ansible Tower, which apparently doesn't support that (it just hangs waiting for stdin).

Best Answer

Ansible allows to get facts from other hosts with the delegate_to parameter.

To grab the ticket from the icinga2 server you will need something like this:

- name: Get ticket.
  command: icinga2 pki ticket --cn 'your cn'
  register: ticket
  delegate_to: icinga2_server

This tasks will store the output of the icinga2 pki ticket command in the ticket variable. You might need to filter a bit to get only the ticket id. Take a look at Ansible examples repository for more information. You will also need to have the icinga2_server in you inventory for the delegation.

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