Ssh – Need some routing assistance with pfSense


I recently (meaning 4 days ago) set up a pfSense firewall/router box. It works amazingly well. I'm having a few problems though:

1) I can't seem to SSH into the box remotely despite enabling SSH. I can, however, access the box's SSH internally. I'm currently working around this by SSHing to an internal box (via port 2222) then SSHing to the box from "inside".

2) I can't access the box's web page remotely. Currently working around this by SSH port forwarding through the previously mentioned box.

3) I can't access forwarded ports internally. I have seen this documentation item (link text), but I'm trying to decide on safety vs ease-of-configuration.

FYI, my setup is as follows:

[INTERNET]  <--> ["DUMB" DSL MODEM (in "bridge" mode passing external IP on to pfSense)] <--> [pfSense box] <--> [24-port gig switch] <--> [OFFICE COMPUTERS]

Best Answer

Opening holes for external access to your firewall is considered bad security practice. As far as I know pfsense has built-in VPN capability: both IPsec and PPTP can be used.

For PPTP you can use windows as well as linux client software to connect. Here is official pfsense documentation on PPTP VPN.

For setting up PPTP on Linux, visit pptp client website.

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