Ssh – ny reason to use fail2ban with SSH password logins disabled


I am setting up an Ubuntu server hosted by Linode.

I am stepping through their security guide and they recommend installing fail2ban after disabling password based SSH logins.

I don't see the point in installing fail2ban if dictionary attacks are not possible with SSH keys.

Am I missing something here?

Best Answer

The only possible benefit is that you know the "attacking" IP is a "bad guy" or compromised machine, and probably don't want to talk to them anyway. It's likely they'll try other protocols. If you have none open, nothing to worry about.

It might reduce bandwidth slightly. It would definitely reduce the spam in your logs (I change my SSH port to 2222 for this reason; but don't recommend that tactic unless you have a small group of admins accessing the box).

It's technically possible that they could guess a SSH Key, but wholly unrealistic to think it will ever happen. I would recommend changing your SSH Keys every few years (to ensure you're using "current" technology, and to verify documentation surrounding the system).