Ssh – Putty SSH tunnelling not working for HTTPS sites


I created a proxy by creating a SSH tunnel using PUTTY, and then filling in the values of the server in my home computer's browser proxy settings. I entered the server IP in the Socks list.

I can view all HTTP non secure sites, but when I try to go to a HTTPS site, the page comes out blank. Happens with all HTTPS sites.

Whilst connecting by putty, I even tried putting local port 443 and destination port localhost:443, and filling in the browser proxy settings for the HTTPS field, but no luck still.

Can anybody tell me how I can achieve to browser HTTPS using my proxy.

Best Answer

The server IP shouldn't be listed as your proxy if you're using ssh with -D (or equivalent). In fact, I'm surprised it works at all! When configuring ssh for SOCKS mode, you tell it a port number (in cli ssh you would do "ssh -D somenum username@server") that is the local port. So your SOCKS settings should point to localhost:that-port.