Svn – How to restrict access to a child SVN directory only


I'm trying to configure permissions for an SVN repository accessed through Apache 2. What I want is to let anyone access the root directory, while restricting to authenticated users a child directory. Example:

/demo/project1/sensitive-data  # This path should require user authentication.

At first, I thought this was as simple as:

<Location /demo>
    DAV svn
    SVNPath /home/svn/demo
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName demo
    AuthUserFile /etc/subversion/passwd
        Require valid-user

<Location /demo/project1/sensitive-data>
    DAV svn
    Require valid-user

When used through HTTP (for example with CURL), Apache conforms to the configuration: I can access:

and I get, as expected, a HTTP 401 Unauthorized when trying to retrieve

On the other hand, doing:

  • svn checkout . or:
  • svn checkout .

retrieves the whole directory tree, including demo/project1/sensitive-data.

At least, svn checkout . requests for a password.

How should I configure the permissions to restrict the access to sensitive-data directory when doing svn checkout .?

Best Answer

The <Location /demo/project1/sensitive-data> block is irrelevant when doing a checkout: it is used only when accessing directly, which is the reason why HTTP requests result in HTTP 401 Unauthorized and a checkout of this particular directory requires authentication.

The proper way to configure path-based authorization is explained in Subversion documentation:

  1. <Location /demo> points to an access file:

    <Location /demo>
        AuthzSVNAccessFile /etc/subversion/access.conf
  2. The access file defines who can access the specific files and directories. Basic example:

    * = r                  # Everyone should be able to access the repository.
    [/demo/project1/sensitive-data] # Note that there is no trailing slash.
    * =                    # Nobody should access the sensitive directory.