Terminated EC2 instances keep restarting

amazon ec2

I have a couple of small EC2 instances (t1.micro and t2.micro) one of which was setup using AWS-EB. I'd like to terminate both of them, but whenever I terminate them, the re-appear in my list of running instances a couple of minutes later. How do I fully terminate them? Termination protection is not enabled.

Best Answer

As far as I'm aware the configuration wizard for AWS-EB configures an EC2 AutoScaling group for you automatically with a default desired running instances count of 1. That is why every time you try to terminate an instance the instance is relaunched.

I would therefore suggest removing AutoScaling group(s) and probably also load balancer configurations that you no longer need.

These steps will actually be done for you if you terminate the EB application, so there should be no need to do this manually.

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