Ubuntu – I lost access to the webserver with FTP and SSH, What can I do


I have a weird issue, I've been using this webserver for months without problems, but this morning I accessed with FTP to move some files, and then every time that I wanted to download or upload files I had this error:

**Filezilla log:**

Status:    Connecting to IP...

Response:    fzSftp started

Command:    open "USER@IP" 22
Error:    Server unexpectedly closed network connection
Error:    Could not connect to server
Status:    Waiting to retry...
Status:    Connecting to IP...
Response:    fzSftp started
Command:    open "USER@IP" 22
Error:    Could not connect to server

and then I tried to use SSH to connect to my webserver and I had this error:

ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

All my other services are up and running in the webserver, the issue is just with SSH and FTP.

what should I do right now?

Thanks in advance!!

Best Answer

If you own the box, see if you can get console access into it. Verify the daemons are running, and see if you can connect locally. If you can connect locally, but can't externally, check your firewall settings. Some consumer firewalls will upgrade their own firmware automatically, and who knows? Maybe this went bad.

Another possibility if you host it yourself, check if you are using a business class account or a consumer account. Many ISP's will shut down access to known server ports if they see you hosting since it falls outside of your TOS (most consumer ISP's in the USA won't let you run any servers, SSH or otherwise). Call and see if maybe they are blocking you.

If its hosted elsewhere, contact the host and see if there are any problems that could be causing it. So long as you haven't changed anything on your side, the situation points to either a problem on their end, or in between. Either way, they can help you troubleshoot, thats what you're paying them for.