Ubuntu Server and Hyper-V


This is getting fairly annoying now, i can't understand what it could be!

I have a Hyper-v Server with a complete fresh install of Ubuntu Server 64bit. When setting up the Virtual Server i chose a legacy network adapter. Once Ubuntu has ran through the install (including dragging some updates from the internet) i log in. Try to do a sudo apt-get update.

All i get is Err's and Failed to fetch error messages. The virtual network card in Ubuntu is set to DHCP, it has the correct lease from the DHCP server.

Pinging the router fails too, although this is fine from a windows pc (with a lease from the same DHCP server). We haven't any proxy server here either.

Does anyone know what it could be?

Best Answer

Make sure your network adapter is properly "mapped"

If you issue ifconfig is the adapter name the same as in your /etc/network/interfaces?

If not, you might want to look at /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules.

What could happen is that Hyper-V will issue a different MAC address for your NIC and therefore Ubuntu will consider it a different NIC. So after a reboot, your interface will switch from eth0 to eth1.

I've seen this happen regularly in VM environement, especially when "moving" VM's form an hypervisor to another one.