Vps – Windows Server 2003 – checking TS sessions (remote desktop client)

remote desktopterminal-servervpswindows-server-2003

I have a VPS which is limited to 2 concurrent TS sessions. At one point I was locked out from signing in, even though all my previous sessions were closed.

The provider indicated that the other sessions were still running, and they believe that I didn't actually "log off", so even if I exited the remote desktop client the server would still believe the connection was live.

I've never had this issue with a regular computer, when I kill the connection in any manner it always disconnects gracefully and doesn't lock me out.

  • Does Windows 2003 have an issue with logging off properly when remote desktopping into it?
  • How would I clear this error, or in other words if I need to can I kick off any current connections given that I have admin access?
  • How do I check how many sessions are being used (assuming I can log in on a session)
  • Can I load VNC as a 'backup' tool, or what other tools can I use to more fully protect myself from this issue?


Best Answer

Use Terminal Services Manager (in Administrative Tools) to connect to the server and see which sessions are still used. You can reset and logoff existing sessions from there. Remember that just closing the terminal session window does not log the session off. There are times, also, when network hiccups will kick someone out of a session resulting in a dangling session. I've seen it frequently where a VPN user gets booted off the VPN connection while connected to a terminal session. This nearly always results in a dangling terminal session in my environment.

EDIT: If you don't have TS Manager installed, install the additional admin tools from AdminPak.msi which is located in \Windows\System32 on the server.