What are the correct Linux permissions inside chroot jail with userspec


I am trying to setup a chroot jail, then I did:

which binary
ldd /bin/binary

Then I did:

cp /lib64/{libs} $jail/lib64
cp /usr/lib64/{libs} $jail/usr/lib64

PS: During this setup, I discovered that /lib64 needs special permissions r-x, only r– won't work (inside or outside chroot).

Copied binary to $jail, created /home/jailuser .

Created proc, dev, sys and mounted them.

Found uid and gid for jailuser:users

Changed ownership of home dir:

chown jailuser:users
chmod 700 (for dirs)
chmod 600 (for files)

Changed ownership of other files to root:root, and for the permissions, please see ahead.

Then under root entered the jail:

export USER=jailuser (and I did the same with LOGNAME, HOME)
cd $jail
chroot --userspec=$uid:$gid $jail $jail/binary

It worked, but:

In my local box, only worked with all non jailuser permissions as 005.

In a KVM VPS, tried the same, but the only permission that worked was 050!

Please, someone knows:

1) Why local only works with at least 005 and remote only works with at least 050 (Both systems are the same)?

2) Is there a better way to setup permissions inside a chroot jail? (But keeping root:root ownership, so the user/process cannot modify "system" files)…

3) Is there a better way to start this jail as a non privileged user, other than using –userspec option?


Best Answer

I think I've got it! I guess sometimes the system needs to change to an user that is inside root group and needs the libs (maybe system or nobody?) and thus lib64 and usr/lib64 really need at least 050 permissions.

My final script to set permissions is this (tested and working):

#Create vars

#Set normal home
cd $home
find . -type d -exec chown $u:$g {} +
find . -type f -exec chown $u:$g {} +
find . -type d -exec chmod 700 {} +
find . -type f -exec chmod 600 {} +

#Set jail
cd $jail
find . -type d -exec chown $u:$g {} +
find . -type f -exec chown $u:$g {} +
find . -type d -exec chmod 511 {} +
find . -type f -exec chmod 100 {} +

#Set lib64
cd $jail/lib64
find . -type f -exec chmod 555 {} +

#Set usr/lib64
cd $jail/usr/lib64
find . -type f -exec chmod 555 {} +

#Set binary
chmod 511 $jail/binary

#Set etc
chmod 544 $jail/etc/passwd
chmod 544 $jail/etc/group

#Set tmp
chmod 777 $jail/tmp

#Set jailed home
cd $jail$home
find . -type d -exec chown $u:$g {} +
find . -type f -exec chown $u:$g {} +
find . -type d -exec chmod 700 {} +
find . -type f -exec chmod 600 {} +

cd $home
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