Windows – How to check and change permissions of files and folders for web server in windows


I have installed Apache server on Windows 7. When I try to access the server by its IP address I get in Chrome:


You don't have permission to access /
on this server.

In IE I get:

The website declined to show this
HTTP 403 Most likely
•This website requires you to
log in.

I want to emphasize that I get another message if I type arbitrary IP. So, the server is working it just does not want to show me files.

I checked already ports (port 80 is opened, I think). And in my "httpd.conf" file I have "Listen 80".

At the moment I think that the problem is in permissions to files and folders. Can anybody tell me how can I check the permissions of files and folders, how can I change them (DOS analog of Linux's chmode), and which permission I need to set (so that people from outside can see my files but they cannot do something bad).

Thank you in advance for any help.

Best Answer

This could be permissions-related, but in most cases, I'd say it's caused by not having a index.html file at your DocumentRoot, and not having Options Indexes enabled. (What is your DocumentRoot, anyhow?) From Wikipedia:

[403] is returned by the Apache web server when directory listings have been disabled.