Windows – How to find the ip address of the pc that sent a shutdown command


I'm a system administrator in a school. We have a classroom with 20 PC's in a domain, and all PC's use the same user to log in.

Sometimes students use the shutdown command to shut down the PC's of other studetns.

In the system event log of the PC that was shut down, I can find the event with ID 1074.
The problem is that it only says the name of the user, which is the same for all 20 PC's. So I'm looking for the ip address or the computer name of the PC that sent the command, so I can identify the student.

Any suggestions? Or any other way of finding out who did it?


Best Answer

Converting my comments/thoughts into an answer.

It appears that you have given all of the students:

  • Administrative control over all the computers.
  • Anonymity by allowing them to all share the same admin account.

This is probably a suboptimal configuration in a typical classroom setting.

Although you claim that the students are not administrators on the computers, by default, only the Administrators group has the right to force the shutdown of a computer from a remote system. Check the User Rights Assignment category in your applicable local security policy or Group Policy:

User Rights Assignment

Now, to more directly answer your question, there is probably not enough forensic evidence left on the computer right now to determine what computer the shutdown command was issued from. It is possible to enable more logging that would allow you to capture these events in the future, but enabling such logging now won't help you find out what happened in the past. Specifically, the logging that I'm thinking of that would have helped you is in the Advanced Audit Policy section (these are just examples, not an exhaustive list)

  • Audit RPC Events
  • Audit Filtering Platform Connections (Windows Firewall)

Remote shutdown uses RPC, so that's sure to show something. And logging when Windows Firewall permits an inbound connection will absolutely give you an IP address. You would be able to correlate the events.

Here's a step-by-step guide on configuring Advanced Audit Policy:

Edit: Updating to confirm that as of Windows 8.1, the event log actually DOES include the IP address of the remote system that initiated the shutdown. (By default, without having to enable any additional logging.) But I do not know whether older versions of Windows include the IP address or not.

remote shutdown