How to reduce the number of bugs when coding


No one's perfect, and no matter what we do, we are going to produce code that has bugs in it from time to time. What are some methods/techniques for reducing the number of bugs you produce, both when writing new software and changing/maintaining existing code?

Best Answer

Avoid fancy coding. The more complicated the code, the more likely there's bugs. Usually on modern systems, clearly written code will be fast and small enough.

Use available libraries. The easiest way to not have bugs writing a utility routine is to not write it.

Learn a few formal techniques for the more complicated stuff. If there's complicated conditions, nail them down with pen and paper. Ideally, know some proof techniques. If I can prove code correct, it's almost always good except for big, dumb, obvious bugs that are easy to fix. Obviously, this only goes so far, but sometimes you can formally reason about small but complicated things.

For existing code, learn how to refactor: how to make small changes in the code, often using an automated tool, that make the code more readable without changing the behavior.

Don't do anything too quickly. Taking a little time up front to do things right, to check what you've done, and to think about what you're doing can pay off big time later.

Once you've written the code, use what you've got to make it good. Unit tests are great. You can often write tests ahead of time, which can be great feedback (if done consistently, this is test-driven development). Compile with warning options, and pay attention to the warnings.

Get somebody else to look at the code. Formal code reviews are good, but they may not be at a convenient time. Pull requests, or similar if your scm doesn't support them allow for asynchronous reviews. Buddy checking can be a less formal review. Pair programming ensures two pairs of eyes look at everything.

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