COCOMO Model – Defending Programming Language Choice with COCOMO

bugclean codecocomofunctional programming

Currently, I'm following a course on embedded software development. The lecturer has chosen J as an architecture language for model-driven software development. J itself is a very terse programming language and one of his main arguments for this language is its terseness. For instance, this is a Quicksoft implementation in J:

quicksort=: (($:@(<#[) , (=#[) , $:@(>#[)) ({~ ?@#)) ^: (1<#)

Another argument is that through such a language and the reduced number of characters, you introduce less bugs and the time to fix bugs is reduced.

Since I have a strong software engineering background and through various books like Clean Code, Pragmatic Programmer and others, I feel that these arguments aren't valid. I find that there is a strong movement towards descriptive names and code that reads like natural language (alright, this might only be related to applications with lots of business logic and less math).

The question therefore is, can you really argue that usage of a terse programming language will result in less errors and that time to fix a bug is reduced? Also, since the language is terse, the number of lines of code is reduced and you would get a better COCOMO rating. But can this be applied in the first place or does the COCOMO model use the number of lines of code as a way to estimate a project's overall size (project size should be the same whether you implement it in a terse language or in an imperative one, but again, maybe I didn't understand the COCOMO model correctly)?

Best Answer

Is the COCOMO model a good argument when defending a programming language choice?

No. COCOMO says nothing about language choice at all. It is a cost estimation tool to determine how much it will cost to build a given software system given a series of inputs. The latest iteration is COCOMO II, and there are web based tools to use when applying this model. Some of the inputs that go into COCOMO II include the estimated size in SLOC or function points, the team cohesion, maturity of the process, desired reliability, complexity, the capability of people filling different roles on the team, platform constraints, and schedule. The output is the estimate for effort, schedule, and cost for the project.

Only a handful of the inputs are related to technology and programming language. The key adjustment factors that cover these areas are the capabilities of the programmer, experience of the programmer in the application domain, experience with the platform and language, and the ability to obtain and use supporting tools.

As far as defending a language, the best that you can do with COCOMO is produce multiple estimates for different technologies and languages that the team knows to varying degrees. Perhaps there's one technology that the entire team knows and has successfully used before, so platform and language experience would be high, but that language has very few supporting tools so that would be lower. You can compare that to a language that perhaps only one person knows extremely well and a few people know a little about, calling the experience nominal, yet factoring in the rich tool set. Given two (or more) sets of effort, schedule, and cost estimates, you can compare to see which might be more effective to use.

Also, since the language is terse, the number of lines of code is reduced and you would get a better COCOMO rating.

There is no such thing as a COCOMO rating. COCOMO is an estimation tool that you can use to try to determine how much effort (person-months), schedule (months), and cost a project will require to complete. When estimating, this data is compared against the size of the project team and the business schedule to determine if it's realistic and to provide the project manager with information needed to control the project schedule.

For example, COCOMO might produce a schedule estimate of 15 months and a cost estimate of $500,000. However, the business schedule might call for 12 months and $450,000. This schedule and isn't unreasonable, and the project manager can use this information when controlling the project and negotiating with the customer.

But can this be applied in the first place or does the COCOMO model use the number of lines of code as a way to estimate a project's overall size (project size should be the same whether you implement it in a terse language or in an imperative one, but again, maybe I didn't understand the COCOMO model correctly)?

Although source lines of code (SLOC) is a valid input to COCOMO, estimating size using source lines of code is not recommended because the number of SLOC varies depending on programming language (among a number of other problems). Function points are a preferred method of size estimation. There are conversion ratios that allow you to estimate a number of function points and apply the ratio to determine the size of the system in a given programming language.

Now, comes the other parts to your question.

Currently, I'm following a course on embedded software development. The lecturer has chosen J as an architecture language for model-driven software development. J itself is a very terse programming language and one of his main arguments for this language is its terseness. Another argument is that through such a language and the reduced number of characters, you introduce less bugs and the time to fix bugs is reduced. [...] I feel that these arguments aren't valid. I find that there is a strong movement towards descriptive names and code that reads like natural language (alright, this might only be related to applications with lots of business logic and less math).

That's nice. In my experiences, the lecturer has more experience in the topic than the typical student. When they choose a given language, framework, platform, or technology to use to teach their content, they have a good reason to.

Terseness is, in my opinion, a rather poor measure to discuss a language on. There are far better criteria to use when choosing a language to implement a project in - platform support, tool support, available resources, team knowledge. With never having seen J before, it seems rather difficult to read. However, it might be very good at solving the particular problems that the project is trying to solve, and the people on the team might have experience with it. It might also be easy to learn.

In your specific case, of a class, you need to focus on the point - learning concepts and techniques. Not only will you learn about J (and learning new tools is always good), but you'll learn techniques that can probably be applied to other languages as well.

The question therefore is, can you really argue that usage of a terse programming language will result in less errors and that time to fix a bug is reduced?

My intuition says no, but that's beside the point. You need to factor in knowledge of the language, supporting tools (compilers, IDEs, static analysis), and process methodology (pair programming, code reviews, style guidelines), and more to have an adequate discussion of how to reduce errors and time-to-fix.

If you're interested in more about COCOMO and what it's all about, I'd recommend reading Software Engineering Economics and Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II, both by Barry Boehm. Software Engineering Economics is mostly general software project management, cost estimation, and effort estimation. The portion of the book that discusses COCOMO discuses the COCOMO 89 version, which Boehm has said should no longer be used due to inaccuracies that were corrected in the COCOMO II version, however the rest of the sections of the book are still relevant.