Code Coverage Reports – Separate for Unit and Integration Tests?

code-qualityintegration-teststest-coverageunit testing

Should there be a separate code coverage report for unit and integration tests, or one code coverage report for both?

The thinking behind this is that code coverage allows us to make sure that our code has been covered by tests as far as possible (as much as a machine can now anyway).

Having a separate report is more convenient for us to know what has not been covered by unit tests, and what has not been covered by integration tests. But this way we cannot see the total coverage percentage.

Best Answer

Above all, you need to have and analyse combined (total) coverage. If you think of it, this is the most natural way to properly prioritize your risks and focus your test development effort.

Combined coverage shows you what code is not covered by tests at all, ie is most risky and need to be investigated first. Separate coverage reports won't help here, as these don't let you find out if the code is tested somehow else or not tested at all.

Separate coverage analysis also can be useful, but it would better be done after you're done with combined analysis and preferably would also involve results of analysing combined coverage.

Purpose of separate coverage analysis differs from combined one. Separate coverage analysis helps to improve design of your test suite, as opposed to analysis of combined coverage which is intended to decide on tests to be developed no matter what.

"Oh this gap isn't covered just because we forgot to add that simple unit (integration) test into our unit (integration) suite, let's add it" -- separate coverage and analysis is most useful here, as combined one could hide gaps that you would want to cover in particular suite.

From above perspective, it is still desirable though to also have results of combined coverage analysis in order to analyse trickier cases. Think of it, with these results, your test development decisions could be more efficient due to having information about "partner" test suites.

"There's a gap here, but developing a unit (integration) test to cover it would be really cumbersome, what are our options? Let's check combined coverage... oh it's already covered elsewhere, that is, covering it in our suite isn't critically important."