C# – CheckBoxList not updating it’s checked/not checked state


Hey, I have a CheckBoxList that gets populated with the database. When I make any changes to the state (check or uncheck) of a single checkbox, it doesn't get returned when I submit my form.

To its simplest form, I have:

<asp:CheckBoxList runat="server" ID="listEmployes" RepeatDirection="Horizontal">


protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    var employes = listEmployes.Items;

    foreach (ListItem employe in employes)
        if (employe.Selected)
            _command = new MySqlCommand(String.Format("INSERT IGNORE INTO Liste_Employes (Projet_ID, User_ID) VALUES ({0}, {1})", _projetId, employe.Value), _connection);
            _command = new MySqlCommand(String.Format("DELETE IGNORE FROM Liste_Employes WHERE Projet_ID = {0} AND User_ID = {1}", _projetId, employe.Value), _connection);



Am I missing something? Thanks.

Best Answer

Make sure your CheckBoxList is not being rebound on postbacks (if you're databinding from code).

    // Bind code