C# – datatrigger on enum to change image


I've got a button with a fixed background image and would like to show a small overlay image on top of it. Which overlay image to chose depends on a dependency property (LapCounterPingStatus) of the according viewmodel.

This is what I got so far:

        <Image Stretch="None"> <!-- Background Image -->
                <Style TargetType="{x:Type Image}">
                    <Setter Property="Source" Value="/Images/Pingn.png"/>
        <Image Stretch="None" Panel.ZIndex="1"> <!-- Small Overlay Image -->
                <Style TargetType="{x:Type Image}">
                        <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=LapCounterPingStatus}" Value="PingStatus.PING_UNKNOWN">
                            <Setter Property="Source" Value="/Images/RefreshOverlayn.png"/>
                        <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=LapCounterPingStatus}" Value="PingStatus.PING_FAILURE">
                            <Setter Property="Source" Value="/Images/ErrorOverlayn.png"/>
                        <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=LapCounterPingStatus}" Value="PingStatus.PING_SUCCESS">
                            <Setter Property="Source" Value="/Images/CheckmarkOverlayn.png"/>

Relevant parts of my viewmodel

public class ConfigurationViewModel
    public enum PingStatus { PING_UNKNOWN, PING_SUCCESS, PING_FAILURE };

    public PingStatus LapCounterPingStatus
        get { return _lapCounterPingStatus; }
            _lapCounterPingStatus = value;

Right now, no overlay image at all is displayed. What could be wrong?


Trace window of my IDE is showing System.ArgumentException and System.FormatException.
Could the problem source be a unknown type of enumeration PingStatus im the XAML?

Best Answer

You need 2 things to get this working:

1 - Add an xmlns reference in the root element of your XAML file, to the namespace where your Enum is defined:

<UserControl ...

2 - in the Value property of the DataTrigger, use the {x:Static} form:

 <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=LapCounterPingStatus}" Value="{x:Static my:PingStatus.PING_UNKNOWN}">

Notice that the Enum type must be prefixed with the xmlns prefix you defined above.


If your Enum is declared inside a class you need to use the syntax:

{x:Static namespace:ClassName+EnumName.EnumValue}

for example:

{x:Static my:ConfigurationViewModel+PingStatus.PING_UNKNOWN}