C# – How to create a exe that installs a driver

cdriverinstallationvisual studio

I want to create a very simple .exe that will install a driver. I have an .inf (and all it's DLL files). The driver is for a usb device.

The end goal is to find a simple solution to install a driver with my application installer. The installer is generated using Visual Studio 2008 setup and deployment project. I believe that having a separate exe that does the driver install can be called by my setup and deployment project.

I am a newbie at this so i am looking for a step by step tutorial or something that i can really understand.

Please help 🙁


The following command line installs the driver just fine. How can I transfer this into a EXE or DLL, which can be launched by custom actions in Visual Studio

rundll32 syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultInstall 128 .\<file>.inf

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