C# – How to force a certain UserControl design


I am writing a Base UserControl, that will be inherited by a bunch of other UserControls. I need to enforce a certain design for all these descendant controls (e.g. a couple of buttons must be on the top along with a label or two).

The rest of the descendant UserControl area is free to have whatever on it.

Initially, I thought that I could just plop a Panel onto the Base UserControl, set the Dock=Fill and the designer of the descendant control would be forced to add all the UI into this said panel. Then, I could resize the panel to my content.

But that is not the case – when you drop a control (say a GridView) onto the descendant UserControl, it adds it to the .Controls collection of the descendant user control, not the Panel I added.

Is there a way to force a certain layout from the Base user control?

Best Answer

The short answer is "Yes"... However to get this behavior delves into the ugly world of writing your own designers which you have to associate with the each control which will need to inherit the special placement into the content panels..

The following link should be a good starting point as it gives an overview of what needs to be done as well as provides sample code.


Be warned, however, this is not a trivial task. And there is a lot of code (30+ files) to sift through in order to understand how to implement a designer. It's been about 2 years since I have tried this.

On the other hand, have you considered changing your design to have a single parent control which has the labels and buttons, and which populates the content area with the appropriate child control(s)? Perhaps even having your child controls for the content area implement a specific interface to guarantee a contract so that the parent can interact with them without having to know a specific class name?