C# – how to get value of an unknown enum by name of enum and name of value


sorry for asking this question but i didn't found the right solution for this task:

I've got a Enum, which is named "myEnum" (MyEnum isn't known by the function)
I Need to get the int value of a Value of myEnum

A Programmer named its enum "myEnum":

 public enum myEnum
     foo = 1,
     bar = 2,

my function should do the following:
Get the Value of "foo" of "myEnum" by string

function should opened by:

 public int GetValueOf(string EnumName, string EnumConst)


so when Programmer A opens it by :

 int a = GetValueOf("myEnum","foo");

it should return 1

and when Programmer B has an Enum named "mySpace", wants to return "bar" with Value 5

int a = GetValueOf("mySpace","bar")

should return 5

how can i do this?

Best Answer

You can use Enum.Parse to do this, but you'd need the fully qualified type name of the Enum type, ie: "SomeNamespace.myEnum":

public static int GetValueOf(string enumName, string enumConst)
    Type enumType = Type.GetType(enumName);
    if (enumType == null)
        throw new ArgumentException("Specified enum type could not be found", "enumName");

    object value = Enum.Parse(enumType, enumConst);
    return Convert.ToInt32(value);

Also note that this uses Convert.ToInt32 instead of a cast. This will handle enum values with underlying types which are not Int32. This will still throw an OverflowException, however, if your enum has an underlying value outside of the range of an Int32 (ie: if it's a ulong as the value is >int.MaxValue).