C# – How To Hide ListView ColumnHeader


I am struggling to figure out the correct control to use for a list of predefined jobs in the included form. I currently have a ListBoxControl in the Predefined Job Name group that lists all of the predefined jobs for a marine service shop (i.e. oil change, tune up, etc…). Then, based on the item (i.e. job name) that is selected in my ListBox, I need to display the items that correspond to that job. For example, if oil change is the selected job I need to show 4 quarts oil, 1 oil filter, labor, etc…and so on.

Currently, when I load the form data I have a DAO that retrieves all of my jobs from the database using LINQ to SQL. Then I iterate over the results and put the job names into the ListBox. The problem that I am having is that there is no tag for ListBox items like there is for ListView items. So each time the user selects another item in the ListBox, I have to perform another LINQ query to get the job from the database again so that I can display its' corresponding items. If I could use a ListView and hide the column header I could set the entire job on the tag so that each time the user selects a new item I would have access to the details without having to make another call to the database. Is there a way that I can hide the column header of a ListView without hiding the entire column?

Windows Form

Best Answer

You can set the HeaderStyle member of the ListView to None.

listView1.HeaderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeaderStyle.None;