C# – How to Mock a Predicate in a Function using Moq


I want to mock Find method which expects a predicate using Moq:

public PurchaseOrder FindPurchaseOrderByOrderNumber(string purchaseOrderNumber)
        return purchaseOrderRepository.Find(s => s.PurchaseOrderNumber ==    purchaseOrderNumber).FirstOrDefault();

My repository method

IList<TEntity> Find(Func<TEntity, bool> where);

I used following test method

  public void CanGetPurchaseOrderByPurchaseOrderNumber()

      _purchaseOrderMockRepository.Setup(s => s.Find(It.IsAny<Func<PurchaseOrder, bool>>()).FirstOrDefault())
          .Returns((Func<PurchaseOrder, bool> expr) => FakeFactory.GetPurchaseOrder());



It gives me the following error:

threw exception:
System.NotSupportedException: Expression references a method that does not belong to the mocked object: s =>

How do I resolve this?

Best Answer

I found the answer :)

I changed the test as follows and removed the call to FirstOrDefault:

  public void CanGetPurchaseOrderByPurchaseOrderNumber()

      _purchaseOrderMockRepository.Setup(s => s.Find(It.IsAny<Func<PurchaseOrder, bool>>()))
          .Returns((Func<PurchaseOrder, bool> expr) => new List<PurchaseOrder>() {FakeFactory.GetPurchaseOrder()});


