C# – How to mock Add method of subsonic’s SimpleRepository


I'm trying to mock the Add method of subsonic SimpleRepository with Rihino mocks, I'm using the IRepository Interface but I'm new to mocking and dont know how to go from there, can this be done? thanks for your help.

Best Answer

AdamRalph is correct, but I prefer the AAA syntax of Rhino Mocks:

// arrange
var repo = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IRepository>();
var myObject = CreateSampleObject();
repo.Stub(r => r.Add(myObj)).Return(myObj);

// act (this assumes that the call to "SomeMethod" on "SomeClass"
// returns the result of the IRepository.Add).
var someClass = new SomeClass(repo);
var result = someClass.SomeMethod();

// assert
Assert.AreSame(myObject, result);