C# – How to subscribe to other class’ events in C#

.net-2.0cevent handlingevents

A simple scenario: a custom class that raises an event. I wish to consume this event inside a form and react to it.

How do I do that?

Note that the form and custom class are separate classes.

Best Answer

public class EventThrower
    public delegate void EventHandler(object sender, EventArgs args) ;
    public event EventHandler ThrowEvent = delegate{};

    public void SomethingHappened() => ThrowEvent(this, new EventArgs());

public class EventSubscriber
    private EventThrower _Thrower;

    public EventSubscriber()
        _Thrower = new EventThrower();
        // using lambda expression..could use method like other answers on here

        _Thrower.ThrowEvent += (sender, args) => { DoSomething(); };

    private void DoSomething()
       // Handle event.....