C# – inherit constructors


I know it's not possible to inherit constructors in C#, but there's probably a way to do what I want to do.

I have a base class that is inherited by many other classes, and it has an Init method that does some initializing taking 1 parameter. All other inheriting classes also need this initializing, but I'd need to create separate constructors for all of them that would like like this:

public Constructor(Parameter p) {

That totally violates the DRY principles! How can I have all necessary stuff initialized without creating dozens of constructors?

Best Answer

You don't need to create loads of constructors, all with the same code; you create only one, but have the derived classes call the base constructor:

public class Base
    public Base(Parameter p)

    void Init(Parameter p)
        // common initialisation code

public class Derived : Base
    public Derived(Parameter p) : base(p)