C++ – Preferred standard use: range based for or std::for_each


In C++11, there are two loops over all elements (range based for and for_each). Is there any reason to prefer one over the other or are there situations where one is a better fit?

for (auto& elem: container) {
  // do something with elem

std::for_each(container.begin(), container.end(),
              [](Elem& elem) {
                // do something with elem

My idea would be that the first is simpler and is similar to range based loops in other languages while the second also works for sequences that are not complete containers and the second is more similar to other std-algorithms.

Best Answer

  1. Range-based for is obviously simpler to read and write. It is specialized for this task.

    EDIT: You can break form a range-for without abusing an exception. (Although std::find_if substituted for std::for_each allows this as well.)

  2. std::for_each, ironically, is the alternative which is actually range based and allows you to select particular begin and end values instead of the whole container. (EDIT: This can be hacked around using a simple range class providing begin and end members, such as provided by Boost.)

    Also for_each may be more elegant when otherwise using higher-order functions: it can be used as an argument to bind, and the third argument is already a functor.

Mainly it's a matter of style. Most readers probably prefer to see for ( auto &a : b ) though, and most implementations now support it.