C# – random sleep between a set of time


I want to create a program that when ever the user click on the start button, the program will sleep between 3 sec to 10 sec and then a button will appear to allow the user to click on that button, then the time will print out and tell the user how long it take in milliseconds for the user to click on the button.

I know that I need to use Thread.Sleep() and Environment.TickCount()

The problem is I don't know how to make the program sleep random between 3-10 sec

Thank you for the answer. Everything is working however a tiny problem occur

The problem is the first label doesn't write out "Get ready…" but it sleep for 3-10 sec before it print out "Get ready…". What i want is that the program print out "Get ready…" and then go to sleep for 3-10 sec.

Here is the code:

    //Starts the count
    private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        label1.Text = "Get ready...";

        //Generate random sleeptime
        Random waitTime = new Random();
        seconds = waitTime.Next(3 * 1000, 11 * 1000);

        //Put the thread to sleep

        //Show the button
        label2.Text = "NOW!";

        //Count the time in milliseconds
        start = Environment.TickCount;

Best Answer

You have to use the Random class:

Random rnd = new Random();
int number = rnd.Next(3,11);

Have a look at the reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/2dx6wyd4.aspx

Note that the first integer parameter is inclusive, while the second paramter is exclusive. So you have to use 11 and not 10. (If you want to exclude 10 seconds you have to change that of course to "10").

You can multiply this number with 1000 to get your milliseconds value and use Thread.Sleep with that value.