C# – Switch enum auto-fill


I was typing a switch with an enum in VS 2013 and all case statements filled out automatically after I finished the switch. Now I can't repeat it. I was not hallucinating, the switch filled out with all enum options, one per case, automatically. Looked through MS docs for VS 2013 and didn't find it.

I use quite a few enums and this feature will save me a ton of time if I can find what it is I did to trigger it. Can anyone help?

Best Answer

Notice: This answer applies to performing the switch/enum autogeneration while also using Resharper.

Using Visual Studio 2013 and Resharper 8.2, the previously mentioned methods do not work. Here's how to actually get this generation to work when using Resharper. Hopefully it will save someone the fifteen minutes I just spent figuring this out.

Performing "sw(tab)(tab)" will only generate the following:

switch (nameOfEnumVariable)


Resharper can generate the labels using Alt + Enter (if your cursor stands in the switch statement) and selecting Generate switch labels as in the following screenshot:

Using the Resharper menu to fill in a switch statement

The result looks like this:

enter image description here