C# – The name ‘loginrand’ does not exist in the current context


i just try to create bot for travian , i find some login code

        //download html 
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        client.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
        string source = client.DownloadString(@"Http://" + server + "/login.php");
        source = source.Replace("\"", "");

        //search for user

        Regex rloginName = new Regex(@"name=login value=\w*");
        Match mloginName = rloginName.Match(source);
        if (mloginName.Success)
            string loginName = mloginName.ToString().Replace(@"name=login value=", "");

        //search for pass

        Regex rloginPassword = new Regex(@"type=password name=\w*");
        Match mloginPassword = rloginPassword.Match(source);
        if (mloginPassword.Success)
            string loginPassword = mloginPassword.ToString().Replace(@"type=password name=", "");

        Regex rloginUsername = new Regex(@"input class=fm fm110 type=text name=\w*");
        Match mloginUsername = rloginUsername.Match(source);
        if (mloginUsername.Success)
            string loginUsername = mloginUsername.ToString().Replace(@"input class=fm fm110 type=text name=", "");
        Regex rloginRand = new Regex(@"<p align=center><input type=hidden name=\w*");
        Match mloginRand = rloginRand.Match(source);
        if (mloginRand.Success)
            string loginrand = mloginRand.ToString().Replace("<p align=center><input type=hidden name=", "");

        string postString = @"w=1024:768&login=" + loginName + "&" + loginUsername + "=" + user + "&" + loginPassword + "=" + pass + "&" + loginrand + "=&s1.x=10&s1.y=10&s1=login";

        WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(@"http://" + server + "/dorf1.php");
        req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
        req.Method = "POST";
        byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postString);
        req.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
        req.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
        Stream os = req.GetRequestStream();
        os.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
        WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream());

but when i try to run i see this error ,

Form1.cs(67,144): error CS0103: The name 'loginrand' does not exist in the current context
error CS0103: The name 'loginPassword' does not exist in the current context
error CS0103: The name 'loginUsername' does not exist in the current context
error CS0103: The name 'loginName' does not exist in the current context

can some one help

string loginrand;
if (mloginRand.Success)
loginrand = mloginRand.ToString().Replace("

but nothing change 🙁

------ Build started: Project: travian-ah, Configuration: Debug Any

CPU ——
/noconfig /nowarn:1701,1702
/errorreport:prompt /warn:4
/debug+ /debug:full /optimize-
/target:winexe Form1.cs
Form1.Designer.cs Program.cs
C:\Documents and Settings\My
Documents\Visual Studio
error CS0165: Use of unassigned local
variable 'server' C:\Documents and
Settings\My Documents\Visual Studio
error CS0165: Use of unassigned local
variable 'loginName' C:\Documents and
Settings\My Documents\Visual Studio
error CS0165: Use of unassigned local
variable 'loginUsername' C:\Documents
and Settings\My Documents\Visual
error CS0165: Use of unassigned local
variable 'user' C:\Documents and
Settings\My Documents\Visual Studio
error CS0165: Use of unassigned local
variable 'loginPassword' C:\Documents
and Settings\My Documents\Visual
error CS0165: Use of unassigned local
variable 'pass' C:\Documents and
Settings\My Documents\Visual Studio
error CS0165: Use of unassigned local
variable 'loginrand'

Best Answer

  1. Don't be annoying and create bots for an online game.
  2. Learn about variable scoping, declaring a variable in an if statement means that variable isn't available outside of it.

For example:

if (mloginPassword.Success)
    // variable defined here
    string loginPassword = 
        mloginPassword.ToString().Replace(@"type=password name=", "");
// variable not available here