C# – Visual Studio 2008 and C#


I'm an IT Professional with a background with developing ASP/VBscript/SQL web applications. I want to take some training and get up to speed with Visual Studio 2008 and C# so that I can take over a project at work and make updates/bug fixes in house rather than calling in a third party.

The web application I'll be working on was developed in Visual Studio 2005 with a mix of C# code and some Ajax.

When I load the source code into Visual Studio 2008 I received a warning that the Source Control Plugin wasn't installed. It's looking for SourceSafe which I don't have. Is this necessary to use?

I'm starting a training course in February called Introduction to Visual Studio C# 2008. Well this be adequate to get me going in the right direction to be able to update, fix, and make minor changes to our web application? This is a big opportunity for me and I don't want to blow it.


Best Answer

SourceSafe is a Software Configuration Management tool from Microsoft, and is not required. I WOULD recommend using some form of SCM, but flavor is a matter of preference.

If the pop-ups are annoying to you and you would like to disable them, then removing the SourceSafe bindings from the project should stop them.

From http://weblogs.asp.net/bkcarroll/archive/2004/03/08/86059.aspx :


1 - Go to the folder containing the solution files and delete the following:

2 - Open MyProject.sln in your favorite text editor and remove the following section:
          GlobalSection(SourceCodeControl) = preSolution

3 - Go to the folder containing the project files and delete the following:

4 - Open MyProject.vbproj in your text editor and remove the following lines:
          SccProjectName = "SAK"
          SccLocalPath = "SAK"
          SccAuxPath = "SAK"
          SccProvider = "SAK"

Now you can open the solution/project with no source control errors.

As far as the class goes, if you're already familiar with ASP/VBScript, you can probably pick up a C# class and figure out the rest. If not, I would suggest going for an ASP focused class that utilizes a C# back-end.