C++ – When is an integer<->pointer cast actually correct


The common folklore says that:

  • The type system exists for a reason. Integers and pointers are distinct types, casting between them is a malpractice in the majority of cases, may indicate a design error and should be avoided.

  • Even when such a cast is performed, no assumptions shall be made about the size of integers and pointers (casting void* to int is the simplest way to make the code fail on x64), and instead of int one should use intptr_t or uintptr_t from stdint.h.

Knowing that, when is it actually useful to perform such casts?

(Note: having a bit shorter code for the price of portability doesn't count as "actually useful".)

One case I know:

  • Some lock-free multiprocessor algorithms exploit the fact that a 2+-byte-alligned pointer has some redundancy. They then use the lowest bits of the pointer as boolean flags, for instance. With a processor having an appropriate instruction set, this may eliminate the need for a locking mechanism (which would be necessary if the pointer and the boolean flag were separate).
    (Note: This practice is even possible to do safely in Java via java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicMarkableReference)

Anything more?

Best Answer

I sometimes cast pointers to integers when they somehow need to be part of a hashsum. Also I cast them to integers to do some bitfiddling with them on certain implemetnations where it is guaranteed that pointers always have one or two spare bits left, where I can encode AVL or RB Tree information in the left/right pointers instead of having an additional member. But this is all so implementation specific that I recommend to never think about it as any kind of common solution. Also I heard that sometimes hazard pointers can be implemented with such a thing.

In some situations I need a unique ID per object that I pass along to e.g. servers as my request id. Depending on the context when I need to save some memory, and it is worth it, I use the address of my object as such an id, and usually have to cast it to an integer.

When working with embedded systems (such as in canon cameras, see chdk) there are often magic addesses, so a (void*)0xFFBC5235 or similar is often found there too


Just stumbled (in my mind) over pthread_self() which returns a pthread_t which is usually a typedef to an unsigned integer. Internally though it is a pointer to some thread struct, representing the thread in question. In general it might used elsewhere for an opaque handle.