Go – Type cast vs type assertion on concrete struct


I am new to golang, so appologize if this question is too naive. Looked around, but could not find answer to my basic question.

Lets say I have a concrete struct and methods as shown below.

 type MyData struct{
     field1 string
     field2 int 

func(a MyData) OperatorOnString() string{
  return a.field1.(string)

func(a MyData) OperatorOnInt() int{
  return a.field2.(int)

My question is, can I type cast and return rather than performing assertion? From what I have learned so far is that, assertion is used on data of type interface. But in this case I have concrete type. Should I still use assertion or I can do something like return int(a.field2). I know this example is trivial, but the point that I am confused is when to use between the two conversion types. Or is there some golang idiomaticity involved here?


Best Answer

First of all, type assertion can be used only on interfaces:

For an expression x of interface type and a type T, the primary expression


asserts that x is not nil and that the value stored in x is of type T. The notation x.(T) is called a type assertion.

But you're applying it to non interface typed fields (int and string). That makes compiler unhappy.

Secondly, if you want to return type T from a method/function, it's always enough to return an expression of type T, which your fields already happen to be. The correct code is then easy:

package main

import "fmt"

type MyData struct {
        field1 string
        field2 int

func (a MyData) OperatorOnString() string {
        return a.field1

func (a MyData) OperatorOnInt() int {
        return a.field2

func main() {
        a := MyData{"foo", 42}
        fmt.Println(a.OperatorOnString(), a.OperatorOnInt())



foo 42
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