How to rename files in folders to foldername using batch file


Could any of you help me with a problem I have with a lot of files with the same name, placed in sperate folders.
The folders are named with numbers, but the files inside are named index.XXXX – where XXXX could be .jpg or .html or .pdf.
I would like to make a 'program' that can rename all the 'index' files to the same name as the folder they are placed in.
The folders are named with 6 digit numbers – all different.
After this hopefully has been done, then I would like to move all the renamed files to a new single folder, so it will be easier for me to see the whole content.
Looking forward to reading your answers.

Best Answer

@Echo OFF

FOR /D /R %%# in (*) DO (
    PUSHD "%%#"
    FOR %%@ in ("index*") DO (
        Echo Ren: ".\%%~n#\%%@" "%%~n#%%~x@"
        Ren "%%@" "%%~n#%%~x@"


Tested folder structure:

C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Nueva carpeta (3)\123321
C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Nueva carpeta (3)\123321\Index.txt

C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Nueva carpeta (3)\123456
C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Nueva carpeta (3)\123456\Index.php

C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Nueva carpeta (3)\123456\000000
C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Nueva carpeta (3)\123456\000000\Index.css

C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Nueva carpeta (3)\654321
C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Nueva carpeta (3)\654321\Index.html

C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Nueva carpeta (3)\654321\666999
C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Nueva carpeta (3)\654321\666999\Index.jpg


Ren: ".\123321\Index.txt"      "123321.txt"
Ren: ".\123456\Index.php"      "123456.php"
Ren: ".\654321\Index.html"     "654321.html"
Ren: ".\000000\Index.css"      "000000.css"
Ren: ".\666999\Index.jpg"      "666999.jpg"