Ios – Xcode 6 App Store submission fails with “Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate”


I'm using the latest XCode (6.1) and I need to submit the app as soon as possible, but I can't seem to get around the "Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate" error.

I have the client's provisioning profile and I have his distribution certificate (which is valid) and his private key (I've checked using Keychain, it's definitely there). The bundle ID is also correct. I've deleted my provisioning profiles and certificates and reinstalled the client's many times now.

What could be causing this issue? I've seen a lot of topics here on SO with this problem, so I apologise beforehand for creating yet another clone, but I really don't know how to fix this.

edit: I'm running a brand new install of Yosemite by the way

Best Answer

Got it solved by editing the iOS Distribution Provision Profile in the Developer Member Center.

For some reason there were 2 certificates to choose from for the Distribution Provisioning Profile. I switched over to the other certificate and I could Validate and Submit my Archive build for beta testing.

So, you may have more than one certificate for signing your Provision profiles. Make sure you have the right one (by trying all of them) and hopefully that should work.

I tried many things like Exporting Developer profile from Xcode Accounts and importing it in the organizer, installing the provision profiles from the member center, adding them to my keychain. But none of those worked. It started working only after editing the appropriate Provisioning Profile manually.

You could also trying removing all your available Provisioning Profiles and let Xcode create new ones for you. This will work too.