Java – Creating Dynamic JTrees (Controlling Root Node Visibility)


I have a question about how to dynamically generate JTrees. Is there a way to set the Root Node invisible without making its children invisible too? I have tried to do the following but it shows all nodes as invisible. Keep in mind that I want to add and remove children of the Root Node at any point in time. I've added comments so you can follow what I intend to do. Let me know if they are doing something I dont need, as I am new to JTrees and don't know the conventions. I would also like to be able to select multiple children for the listener.

    DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode;
    rootNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(); //I want this invisible.

    DefaultTreeModel treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(rootNode);
    JTree tree = new JTree(treeModel);

    tree.setRootVisible(false); // Sets everything invisible
    tree.setEditable(true); //makes tree dynamic
    tree.setShowsRootHandles(true); //supposedly allows you to see the children of the nodes.

    //I would like the line above to be multi-select; however, this doesn't seem to be an option.

    DefaultMutableTreeNode table = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( "table1");

    DefaultMutableTreeNode value = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( "value");

In the above example. Nothing is shown and when I remove the "tree.setRootVisible(false)" everything is visible including the node.

Best Answer

A very late answer, but I have just had the same problem. Ensure to expand your root node, so that its children become visible :

yourTree.expandPath(new TreePath(root.getPath()))
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