Java – Does java support and optimize away tail-recursive calls


Say I got a recursive function that is tail recursive. I wonder if this function will be implemented as recursion, growing on the stack, or will it be changed to a loop (since it is a tail-recursive function)?

I have just read that Scala detects such calls and optimizes it but is this a Scala-only thing or JVM in general?

Best Answer

Java supports tail-recursive calls, but AFAIK it doesn't optimize them away. I think it's the Scala compiler that is simply capable of this, not the JVM itself. Check out the @tailrec annotation in Scala to see what more the compiler is capable of :)

But regardless of whether Java/JVM optimizes tail-recursion away, your function would be harder to optimize than necessary.

Look at this:

int sum(List<Integer> integers) {
    return sum(integers, 0);

int sum(List<Integer> integers, int sumSoFar) {
    if (integers.isEmpty())
        return sumSoFar;
        return sum(
                integers.subList(1, integers.size()),
                sumSoFar + integers.get(0)

See, I've added an overloaded sum with a so-far calculated sum parameter. This way when you recur in the else branch you don't need the actual stack frame any more - you got all you need as function arguments in the recursive call.

In your snippet the stack frame would probably have to exist as long as the recursive call..