Java – Enum declared outside class scope


I went to this interview for a software developer position and they gave me a test with some corner-case-code situations, with usually 4 options to choose.
One of the questions had an enum declared outside the class scope, I promptly checked the "does not compile" answer and went ahead with the other questions.
It was something like:

enum Colors {BLUE,RED,GREEN}

class Test {
    //other code, not really important with my question

This code actually compiles.
Besides the fact that an interview like this (might or) might not be useful to find out if one is a good developer, what worries me is: why would I declare an enum like this? Why I can only do this with enum?
I did some testing and found out that it is visible inside the class, but not to other classes.

Sidenote: I scored really poor :P. I got the max on the theory but near the lowest possibile on the corner-case-code situations. I don't think I'll get the job.

Best Answer

It's not just enums. Enums are just special kinds of classes. In general you can have multiple classes declared in one file (as long as no two of them are public).