Java – How to add WAR inside EAR with Maven


I have EAR with an application and I need to extend this app with my own code that is packaged as a WAR. Is there a maven plugin that can help me with putting the WAR inside the EAR?

The manual procedure is to put WAR inside EAR and add module to application.xml. I would like to automate that.

EDIT: small clarification – the WAR project is using maven but for EAR I have only the binary file nothing more.

Best Answer

I'd create a new module that has <packaging>ear</packaging>.

In the dependencies for this ear module, include your war module:


Now in the build plugins for this ear module, include the maven-ear-plugin like, e.g.:


You can change the specific configuration values for the webModule as required.

Now create a parent module (with <packaging>pom</packaging>) and add the war module and the ear module to it. Make sure you set the <parent> of the war and ear modules corrently.

When you run mvn package for this new parent, a war file will be built by the war module and an ear file (containing the war) will be built by the ear module.