Java overloading and overriding


We always say that method overloading is static polymorphism and overriding is runtime polymorphism. What exactly do we mean by static here? Is the call to a method resolved on compiling the code? So whats the difference between normal method call and calling a final method? Which one is linked at compile time?

Best Answer

Method overloading means making multiple versions of a function based on the inputs. For example:

public Double doSomething(Double x) { ... }
public Object doSomething(Object y) { ... }

The choice of which method to call is made at compile time. For example:

Double obj1 = new Double();
doSomething(obj1); // calls the Double version

Object obj2 = new Object();
doSomething(obj2); // calls the Object version

Object obj3 = new Double();
doSomething(obj3); // calls the Object version because the compilers see the 
                   // type as Object
                   // This makes more sense when you consider something like

public void myMethod(Object o) {
myMethod(new Double(5));
// inside the call to myMethod, it sees only that it has an Object
// it can't tell that it's a Double at compile time

Method Overriding means defining a new version of the method by a subclass of the original

class Parent {
  public void myMethod() { ... }
class Child extends Parent {
  public void myMethod() { ... }

Parent p = new Parent();
p.myMethod(); // calls Parent's myMethod

Child c = new Child();
c.myMethod(); // calls Child's myMethod

Parent pc = new Child();
pc.myMethod(); // call's Child's myMethod because the type is checked at runtime
               // rather than compile time

I hope that helps