Java – What methods exist to auto-generate java client stubs from WSDL files


I'm new to web-services and have read up some info about XML,SOAP,and WSDL. It's very interesting! I'm working on an existing project that has a web-service and client. However the client the 'higher ups' aren't pleased with the client application. It's too complex, they would like a more user friendly and simpler app that can be easily expanded.

The project uses Apache Axis2. I've found the WSDL files and would like to build a client based on that. However I don't want to use Axis2 for the above reasons( their opinion). I wonder how a simpler a client I can make given that I have to work with already existing code(wsdl files)Does anyone know any other methods I can use to auto generate client stubs based on the existing WSDL files? I've heard of wsimport, this should still work even if the wsdl files were created using Axis2?

Any help or tips are greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Well, we used xfire, but not the wsdl-centric approach: wsdl was created on the fly from the exposed remote interfaces. Client had the same interfaces which were mapped to the generated wsdl automagically.

AFAICS xfire evolved into CXF, and the CXF home page tells me this:

CXF supports both contract first development with WSDL and code first development starting from Java. For REST, CXF also supports a JAX-RS (TCK compliant) frontend.

As I understood you'll need wsdl2java tool to generate client-side stubs from existing WSDL file if you choose to base on wsdl. If both peers run java, then java-centric approach is applicable and quite more transparent (as service interfaces/POJOs may be shared across client/server with transport generated in runtime w/o any stub/proxy generation steps).