Javascript – Adding html elements from variable using jquery


I am trying to add elements to specific div, but not using clone(), because i need fresh copy of original elements on every add, mainly because elements are draggable and their values are being change by user? So i have my html in variable, i need to take this elements and add them on click to another elem. ?

$(document).ready(function (e) {

var $gElem = $(
    '<div class="distributionWrapper" id="element_0">' +
        '<div class="cbox cboxQuarterWidth">'  +         
            '<select id="combobox100">'+
        '<div class="help"><a href="javascript:;"></a></div>'+
        '<div class="cbox cboxEighthWidth"><span>'+
            '<select id="combobox200" name="PeriodId">'+
        '<div class="clear" id="clearDistribution"><a href="javascript:;"></a></div>'+
        '<div class="add" id="addDistribution"><a href="javascript:;"></a></div>'+

    $('.mainSearch').html($gElem); // initial load of element

var counter = 1;
$('.add').live('click', function () {
    if ($('.distributionWrapper').length === 6) return;
    //var el = $('.distributionWrapper:first').clone().attr('id', 'element_' + ++counter).appendTo('.mainSearch');
    $('.mainSearch').add($gElem).attr('id', 'element_' + ++counter);
     // here on click add gElem to .mainSearch and set atribute to .distributionWrapper


$('.clear').live('click', function () {
    if ($('.distributionWrapper').length === 1) return;


Any ideas?

Best Answer

try this

$('.mainSearch').children('.distributionWrapper:last').attr('id', 'element_' + ++counter);