Javascript – Run two commands at the same time in Elm


In Elm, and specifically with the Elm Architecture when the app first starts the init function can return a Cmd Msg that is executed. We can use this for sending http requests or send a message to native Javascript via Elm ports.

My question is, how can I send multiple commands that should be executed in init?

For example I can do something like:

init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
  (Model "" [], (Ports.messageToJs "Hello JS"))

And I can do something like:

url : String
url =

fetchCmd : Cmd Msg
fetchCmd =
    Task.perform FetchError FetchSuccess fetchTask

init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
  (Model "" [], fetchCmd)

How can I return both commands at same time from init?

I have seen Task.sequence and even Task.parallel but they appear to be good for running multiple tasks, not specifically commands.

Best Answer

Use Platform.Cmd.batch (docs):

init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
  ( Model "" []
  , Cmd.batch [fetchCmd, Ports.messageToJs "Hello JS")]
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