Javascript – Saving state and column sort in DataTable. (using a cookie)


I'm trying to make sure state of a DataTable is saved in a cookie so when page is reloaded it maintains the sort order of fields. This is my code, but bStateSave seems to be having no effect whatsoever.

I followed the method described here:

What am I doing wrong? Will appreciate help!

tbl = $(selector).dataTable({
           "bStateSave": true,
           "bProcessing": true,
           "bServerSide": true,
           "sAjaxSource": dataSource,
           "iDeferLoading": totalRecCount,

           "sDom": layout ? layout : defaultLayout,
                   "fnDrawCallback": drawCallback,
                   "aoColumns": aoColumns,
                   "oLanguage": {
                   "sSearch": ""

Best Answer

OK, I found the answer here:

In short it will not work when using iDeferLoading. Will have to maintain that state manually using a cookie which gets created and updated everytime the user sorts or store it elsewhere in the user model.