Jquery – MVC popup\modal forms best practice


I am using MVC 3 and I am trying to find a good source that will list the best practices for using Modal dialog forms (jQuery or any other type) and\or popup windows in my application.

For example:
I have my CRUD operation Views and their corresponding controller actions but i want the to be opened in a new window\modal dialog and when close to refresh the parent opener.

I can write a lot of ugly java script to implement that but I am looking for the best practice to incorporate that in an MVC application.

Edits for certification of the question

For modal dialogs Mainly I;m having trouble to understand how would all the client side validation work when the fields are loaded dynamically into a form container how would I remap the validation triggers…

For regular popup windows I don't wan to refresh the parent page and pass a parameter to select the newly created object..

so i can go both ways but I got stuck at different stages in both of them..

validation Any suggestions or links ?

Best Answer

I am using Twitter Bootstrap in one of my Asp.net MVC 4 projects. Twitter Bootstrap modal form is easier to use than normal javascript.