Jquery – Open the href mailto link in new tab / window


I have an image which when click, I want to link to a mailto:

 <a id="mailto" href="mailto:hfms@live.com.my" target="_newtab" >
        <img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/HomePage/email.png")" alt="email" /></a>

However, currently once its clicked, it will launch the email option to choose a mailto application, and once i choose, the mailto link is open in the current tab. This will cause user to leave the application.

So, I want the page to sent email (by gmail, yahoo, etc ) is either open in new tab or in a window. Any idea how to do this? I tried both target="_newtab" and target="_blank" but both didn't work.

Any help will be much appreciated.. Thanks…

(jQuery method is also acceptable if there is no other way, thanks)

Best Answer

this information is outdated, now it is possible to do so i believe, since gmail and others now work via browser links. there is however the problem that you would only want it to open in a new tab if NOT opening in a system mail client, and open in a new tab if it is a webmail client, otherwise for example Outlook users see a blank tab appear, which is disorienting, especially since they are Outlook users.