Jquery – Parsley.js – change error container


I want to alter the positioning of each error message. That is display the error message in the respective <div class="errorBlock"></div>. By using the documentation's code the the error msg is displayed before the element (input) and not displayed as expected.
Any ideas?

As per documentation:

errors: {
    container: function (element, isRadioOrCheckbox) {
        var $container = element.parent().find(".parsley-container");
        if ($container.length === 0) {
            $container = $("<div class='parsley-container'></div>").insertBefore(element);
        return $container;

My html code is:


<div class="input-group date date-picker" data-date-format="dd/mm/yyyy" data-date-viewmode="years">             
  <input class="form-control dataScrap firstInput" type="text" parsley-notblank="true" parsley-required="true" parsley-error-message="You must input a birth date" readonly="readonly"/>
  <span class="input-group-btn">
   <button class="btn default" type="button"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></button>
  <div class="errorBlock"></div>


<div class="checkbox-list">
    <label class="checkbox-inline">
        <input type="checkbox" parsley-group="checkboxGroup" parsley-mincheck="2"> Checkbox 1
    <label class="checkbox-inline">
        <input type="checkbox" parsley-group="checkboxGroup"> Checkbox 2
    <div class="errorBlock"></div>

Best Answer

You can do this by overwriting Parsley's default options. (note: I'm talking about the latest version [v2.0], which I suggest you use) You basically want to give Parsley a method that will find the .errorBlock container based on the input field. It would look something like this:

var parsleyConfig = {
    errorsContainer: function(pEle) {
        var $err = pEle.$element.siblings('.errorBlock');
        return $err;


And here's a live example.

Note: using this method you can't use the parsley-validate attribute that Makrand suggests. Calling .parsley on your form does the same thing, except you can add your custom options to it. Also, you need to prefix all of your parsley attributes with data-, because they're data attributes (as of v2.0).